Example Workflow

Imagine that you are working with your IT security team on security incident response planning. You know that some customers have contractually required you to notify them if a security incident occurs. In the event of a security incident, the IT team needs to know who these customers are so that they can prepare the necessary communications for them.

Your task therefore is to review all your contracts with customers and flag which ones have these "security incident notification obligations". The workflow below is one way you could approach this task.

Assume that you have created a custom "Security Notification" field that will be set to "Yes" if a contract requires you to notify the counterparty of a security incident.

Retrieve the set of documents you're interested in

In the Review page, start by filtering the Document Type field by "Sales" documents to only show customer contracts. You might also choose to filter by a certain document title (e.g. "Services Agreement"), if all your customer contracts have the same standard title.

Select the metadata fields you want to work with

Use the Show Columns button to display the "Security Notification" field in the document table.

Review documents to determine what metadata to enter

You now have a list of documents that you need to individually review so you can enter the appropriate "Security Notification" values for them. Then:

  • In the Extract filter, type in "breach notif"

  • All documents that contain the phrase "breach notif" will be displayed, and the Extract column will be populated with excerpts from each document that contain that phrase.

  • Scroll down through each match to review the language

You can also use the Extract column with the Export Data button to export all displayed extracts of language to a spreadsheet.

Edit the metadata

  • When you review the language in the Extract column for each document, select the documents that contain a breach notification clause

  • Click on Bulk Edit

  • In the Bulk Edit popup box, Set "Breach Notice" to "True"

  • And you're done!

Many of these types of searches can be further sped up using artificial intelligence. If this is not yet enabled in your account, please contact us.

Last updated