
Newly uploaded documents appear in the Inbox so that you can verify that metadata for key document fields is correct. When a new document is uploaded to Aerofiler, Aerofiler will attempt to automatically detect certain metadata about the document, such as its title and date. The newly uploaded document then appears in the Inbox, where you have a chance to review whether key metadata fields are correct. This process helps to ensure that all your documents have a basic level of accuracy and consistency. All documents listed in the Inbox are considered "unvalidated." If no documents are listed, your Inbox is empty and you have no documents that require validating.

Table Guide

Each row in the table represents a document and the metadata associated with it.

  • On the far left, a checkbox allows you to select one or more documents. When you do this, the "Actions" buttons near the top of the page will be enabled and the actions accessible through that button can be applied to the documents you've selected (e.g. Bulk Edit, Bulk Validate, Download, Export Metadata, Delete).

  • On the far right, click the arrow icon to view full details for the document in a new tab or window. You can also right click the icon and select "copy URL" if you want to send a link to that document to someone.

  • You can edit fields by double clicking on them, or selecting them and pressing Enter.

  • You can also use the keyboard to navigate between fields and edit them. When editing a field, press "Esc" to undo any changes you've made.

Filtering and Sorting

You can reorganise or filter the documents shown in the Inbox by clicking the relevant table column headings or filling in the “filter” text boxes under the column headings. The "Clear Filters" button is a shortcut for clearing all the filters currently applied.

Actions Buttons

  • Clear Filters: Clears all filters currently applied.

  • View All: If the Inbox has a large number of documents, Aerofiler only loads a limited number of documents initially, and will progressively load additional sets of documents when you scroll to the bottom of the document table (and you may have to do this multiple times to show all documents). Clicking View All will immediately display all documents in the Inbox.

  • Refresh: If you edit the attributes of a document in the Inbox in another browser tab or window, the Inbox will not reflect those changes until you click Refresh.

  • Actions: This button is disabled until you select one or more documents. Clicking this button will give you access to a few options:

    • Bulk Edit: If you have multiple documents selected, you can use this function to modify a single field to a specified value for all the documents you've selected.

    • Bulk Validation: It is possible to perform bulk validation as described here.

    • Download: Allows you to download a single file or multiple files (as a single zip file). You can choose to download the files with their original filenames, or with a descriptive smart filename generated from the metadata associated with it.

    • Export Data: Exports metadata for the selected documents to a spreadsheet file. You can choose to export all metadata associated with the documents, or just the metadata that is displayed in the table.

    • Delete: Deletes a document. You will be required to confirm this action after clicking this button. This function is only available to Admin users.

  • Show Preview: Shows the original document.

  • Save Layout: Saves the column ordering and column widths, so that if you revisit the Inbox in the future, the same column ordering and widths will be used.

Document Permissions

If you do not have sufficient permissions to see a document, this will be noted in the top right corner of the page. A user must have Read permissions for a document in order to view it in the Inbox, and Edit permissions to edit fields and validate documents. Permissions may exist for individual documents, or for categories of document types.

Last updated